宣布退出英王室後首次露面 哈利王子IG曝:早就想逃家?


國際中心林孝萱 / 綜合報導

英國哈利王子與公爵夫人梅根日前宣布將退出王室高級成員的身份,並計劃未來在英國及加拿大兩地居住。英國女王伊莉莎白二世 13 日發布聲明,表示尊重兩人的決定,但外界仍十分關注兩人的未來動向。 16 日,哈利王子首次公開露面,主持 2021 年世界盃聯盟式橄欖球賽的抽籤儀式。

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當日,哈利與梅根的官方 Instagram 帳號上傳了一段活動花絮,背景音樂是英國樂隊石玫瑰( Stone Roses )的歌曲「就是唯一」( This is the One ),其中有句歌詞寫道「我很久以前就想離開這個國家」( I'd like to leave the country for a month of Sundays’ )。雖然限時動態內並未提及該句歌詞,卻仍讓英國民眾有所臆測。


在 Instagram 查看這則貼文

Introducing the Rugby League World Cup 2021 Mental Fitness Charter - a new initiative created by the RFL that will champion the importance of good mental fitness and create sustainable legacy the sport can be proud of. The Duke was announced Patron of the Rugby Football League in December 2016, after it was given to him by Her Majesty The Queen. He is proud to support the Rugby League and the steps made to improve the sport! The initiative announcement comes ahead of today’s live RLWC2021 World cup draw with The Duke of Sussex, alongside representatives of all 21 nations involved, in Buckingham Palace. By “the final whistle of the final game” of @RLWC2021, the charter commits to: • - Train every player, team official, match official, teammate and volunteer to look after their own mental fitness and the mental fitness of those around them. - Support tournament players to take their experiences home and develop mental fitness awareness within their own Rugby League communities. - Deliver mental fitness workshops to 8,000 young Rugby League players, and their parents. - Train grass roots coaches to continue delivering mental fitness workshops and leave a sustainable tournament legacy. This comes at a vital time for both the sport and mental health awareness, with suicide being the most common cause of death for men aged 20-49 here in UK. Given that 93% of the 42,000 Rugby league players and 70% of spectators are male, the mental fitness charter is of huge importance to help educate both players and audiences of the benefits of looking after one’s mental wellness. Video © @RLWC2021

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