女饒舌歌手遭羞辱 電視台大動作發聲明道歉

▲Nicki Minah被電視台BET攻擊。(圖/翻攝臉書)
▲Nicki Minah被電視台BET攻擊。(圖/翻攝臉書)

記者吳雨婕 / 綜合報導

第61屆葛萊美獎於11日落幕,雖然在先前出現亞莉安娜與主辦單位互控說謊的尷尬場面,但依舊不減外界對典禮的熱度,而其中「最佳饒舌類專輯」由Cardi B的專輯《Invasion Of Privacy》拿下,成為第一個拿下該獎項的女饒舌歌手,原以為是歡樂的結果,沒想到在典禮結束後,同樣身為饒舌歌手的Nicki Minah卻受到知名電視台BET的攻擊。

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▲Cardi B拿下葛萊美獎「最佳饒舌類專輯」。(圖/翻攝臉書)
▲Cardi B拿下葛萊美獎「最佳饒舌類專輯」。(圖/翻攝臉書)

BET(黑人娛樂電視台)的推特在葛萊美獎結束後,出現一條寫著「Nicki Minah is being dragged by her lacefront.(翻譯:Nicki Minah正被她的蕾絲花邊拖著走。」的文字,這條推特很快被刪除,但還是被手腳快速的網友截圖,並把照片傳給Nicki Minah,她隨即表示未來不參與任何一場BET舉辦的活動,BET得知消息後,立刻在官網上發表道歉聲明。

BET的道歉啟示裡,開頭便表示他們喜愛Nicki Minah,「我們從她發展演藝事業時就開始支持著她,未來也會繼續這樣做,Nicki成為許多表演者的目標,也讓她成為音樂圈中具有影響力的人之一。」並對於出現這則貼文感到抱歉,「我們因這篇文章造成的傷害、失望及困擾深深表達歉意,我們會竭盡所能地去彌補。」

而後也向Nicki Minah及其團隊道歉,提到這則貼文已被移除,對於Nicki Minah的憤怒表示理解,期待未來能夠與她溝通。

▲BET發聲明向Nicki Minah道歉。(圖/翻攝BET官網, 2019.02.13)
▲BET發聲明向Nicki Minah道歉。(圖/翻攝BET官網, 2019.02.13)


BET loves Nicki Minaj. We have supported her from the very beginning of her career and will continue to do so moving forward. Nicki has paved the way for so many performers and has solidified her place as one of the most powerful figures in the music industry.

Unfortunately the respect we have for Nicki was violated by a post that should never have been written. The post does not reflect how we feel about Nicki. And further does not reflect our company values.

We deeply apologize for the hurt, disappointment and confusion that this post has caused. We are committed to doing everything we can to address the situation.

We are also conducting an internal audit to assure these types of posts are not published again.

We have apologized to Nicki and her team. The post has been removed and we have taken additional appropriate action.

We understand Nicki’s position and look forward to continuing our dialogue with her.

Finally, we apologize to all of her fans. This should have never happened.

— BET Spokesperson

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