
李元佳, “Cosmic Point Multiples”, 1968, Set of 4 steel panels with 17 magnets, Each panel 92 x 61.5 cm; Each magnet 7.5 cm, Courtesy of the artist and Richard Saltoun Gallery.
李元佳, “Cosmic Point Multiples”, 1968, Set of 4 steel panels with 17 magnets, Each panel 92 x 61.5 cm; Each magnet 7.5 cm, Courtesy of the artist and Richard Saltoun Gallery.

英文中國郵報 / 綜合報導


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Paik Nam June, “Nostalgia is Extended Feedback”, 1991, Mixed Media, 165 x 79 x 53 cm, Courtesy of the artist and GALERIE BHAK.
Paik Nam June, “Nostalgia is Extended Feedback”, 1991, Mixed Media, 165 x 79 x 53 cm, Courtesy of the artist and GALERIE BHAK.


Miriam Cahn, “5 min.bildl”, 2018, Oil on wood, 28.9 × 26.2 cm, Courtesy of the artist and WAKO WORKS OF ART.
Miriam Cahn, “5 min.bildl”, 2018, Oil on wood, 28.9 × 26.2 cm, Courtesy of the artist and WAKO WORKS OF ART.


吳季璁Wu Chi-Tsung, “Cyano-Collage 038”, 2018, Cyanotype, Xuan Paper, Acrylic Gel, 180 x 180 cm, Courtesy of the artist and Galerie du Monde.
吳季璁Wu Chi-Tsung, “Cyano-Collage 038”, 2018, Cyanotype, Xuan Paper, Acrylic Gel, 180 x 180 cm, Courtesy of the artist and Galerie du Monde.



至於國外藝廊,日本藝廊Tomio Koyama Gallery將展出日本藝術家蜷川實花的攝影作品。濃烈的色彩運用是蜷川實花作品的最大特色。

蜷川實花Mika Ninagawa, “FLOWER ADDICT”, 2009, C-print mounted on Plexiglas, 97.0 x 145.6 cm, Courtesy of the artist and Tomio Koyama Gallery.
蜷川實花Mika Ninagawa, “FLOWER ADDICT”, 2009, C-print mounted on Plexiglas, 97.0 x 145.6 cm, Courtesy of the artist and Tomio Koyama Gallery.




售票資訊:限時優惠門票將於1月13日週一23 : 59 截止發行。購票連結在此


延伸閱讀:台灣最美巴士:北花線回遊號 融入花蓮山水意象 乘車舒適度大增
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