
Empty shelves are seen in a supermarket in Rozzano, near Milan, Sunday, Feb. 23, 2020, as fears rapidly spread in Northern Italy with a sudden surge of COVID-19 cases. A dozen Italian towns saw daily life disrupted after the deaths of two people infected with the virus from China and a pair of case clusters without direct links to the outbreak abroad. A rapid spike in infections prompted authorities in the northern Lombardy and Veneto regions to close schools, businesses and restaurants and to cancel sporting events and Masses. (AP Photo/Antonio Calanni)
Empty shelves are seen in a supermarket in Rozzano, near Milan, Sunday, Feb. 23, 2020, as fears rapidly spread in Northern Italy with a sudden surge of COVID-19 cases. A dozen Italian towns saw daily life disrupted after the deaths of two people infected with the virus from China and a pair of case clusters without direct links to the outbreak abroad. A rapid spike in infections prompted authorities in the northern Lombardy and Veneto regions to close schools, businesses and restaurants and to cancel sporting events and Masses. (AP Photo/Antonio Calanni)

編輯中心 / 綜合報導

因 COVID-19 (武漢肺炎)疫情影響,全球許多國家皆爆發恐慌性購物潮,超市內包括食品及民生用品,貨架上幾乎被一掃而空,也有許多民眾因此撲空,遲遲買不到需要的商品。在澳洲市占率超過 36% 的超市集團因此推出新政策,要幫助弱勢族群放心購物。

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綜合外媒報導,澳洲連鎖超市龍頭沃爾沃斯超市( Woolworths ) 16 日宣布,從一開店的上午 7 時至 8 時,這 1 小時只限「長者」及「身心障礙人士」進入購物,要讓這些難以在人群中搶貨的顧客們,能買到他們的生活必需品。

▲澳洲連鎖超市 Woolworths 為身心障礙者及長者提供「專屬購物時段」。(圖/達志影像/AP)

這項政策會持續實施到 20 日,想在這特別時段進入超市,必須先出示優惠卡( Pensioner Concession Card ,指澳洲政府發給領養老金或身心障礙補助金對象的卡片)或身心障礙證明,至於是否延長實施日期,將再視情況決定。

網友們見這項政策,大讚非常「人性化」,「好有愛的措施」「這個真的不錯,很多長者都不太會網購」。此外,沃爾沃斯超市也制定許多商品的「限購令」,舉凡濕紙巾、米、麵粉、麵條、衛生紙、乾洗手液、牛奶,每位顧客同商品只能買 2 件,並縮短營業時間,要降低人群聚集造成的風險與避免囤積物資。(編輯:林奐妤)
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