向醫護人員致敬 圓山飯店點燈「SALUTE」集氣抗疫

▲圓山大飯店今( 15 )日則再度在大樓外牆點亮「 SALUTE  (敬禮)」字樣,向所有辛苦的醫護人員致敬。(圖/圓山大飯店)
▲圓山大飯店今( 15 )日則再度在大樓外牆點亮「 SALUTE (敬禮)」字樣,向所有辛苦的醫護人員致敬。(圖/圓山大飯店)


台灣對抗新冠肺炎疫情成效有目共睹,背後則是有一群醫護人員在第一線守候,台北圓山大飯店繼昨日在建築外牆點亮「 ZERO 」字樣,向世界宣告零確診好消息,今( 15 )日則再度點亮「 SALUTE (敬禮)」字樣,向所有辛苦的醫護人員致敬,並象徵「當世界最黑暗時,光明就在不遠處。」

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圓山大飯店表示,今晚大樓外牆以 SALUTE 的文字排列,謝謝站在第一線的醫護人員,同時期盼能夠凝聚正能量,溫暖這個世界,希望大家一起度過難關,飯店工作人員也列隊致意。


“It’s always darkest before the dawn.”


Salute to the selfless and courageous heroes combating COVID-19. All the staff at the Grand Hotel pays our highest respect to the health workers. Thank you for coming forward to guard and protect our health during this pandemic.

The word “SALUTE” will be displayed tonight at the Grand Hotel to convey our gratitude to the health workers serving on the front lines. Meanwhile, we hope to attract all the positive energy to warm the world. Grand Hotel will get through this challenging time with you.

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