梅根王妃手中這個包 有錢都不一定買得到!

Gabriela Hearst的「Nina Bag」一推出就受到了網紅們的追捧,甚至連英國王妃「梅根馬克爾」都愛不釋手。圖@Gabriela Hearst臉書
流行中心 / 綜合報導-2019-01-18 20:20:45
為了不讓集團錯過新興市場的機會,LVMH 於2017年創立了 Luxury Ventures,專門投資有潛力的新興品牌,投資金額約在 200至500 萬歐元之間。先後投資了法國品牌 Officine Universelle Buly 以及球鞋交易商 Stadium Goods 後,這次挑選的對象為紐約設計師品牌 Gabriela Hearst。

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HRH the Duchess of Sussex, Meghan Markle carries the Nina Bag in Cognac while visiting Birkenhead with the Duke of Sussex #gabrielahearst

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說到 Gabriela Hearst,雖說成立時間不長,卻在時尚界已經有著不錯的名氣及口碑,它的「Nina Bag」一推出就受到了網紅們的追捧,甚至連英國王妃「梅根馬克爾」都愛不釋手;因為其預定的時間長達一年,所以就算有錢也不一定買得到。而靠著包類的銷售,幫助品牌在三年內達到了營利,並在2018年11月於紐約麥迪遜大道開了第一家店。

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Nina in Nude ? @martinsastre

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“The idea with every single piece I design is that what we create today, you can still wear 10 years from now. For all her success, Gabriela Hearst remains a niche business, for now...Hearst has a vision for an empire, but unlike dinosaur fashion houses who make trend-based decisions to turn fast profits, she’s in no rush. “We have a saying in Uruguay: ‘Irse despacio por las piedras’, which means, ‘Slow down when you’re going over stones.’ The two things I ask about every decision are: ‘is this sustainable and environmentally friendly?’ and ‘is this good for the long-term view?’ Because this is an endurance race.” Thank you @financialtimesfashion @civilianjournal! #gabrielahearst

Gabriela Hearst(@gabrielahearst)分享的貼文 於 張貼

根據《女裝日報》的消息,LVMH 的 Luxury Ventures 基金看準了 Gabriela Hearst 的未來,收購了品牌的少數股權,不過暫時未透露具體交易金額。LVMH 並承諾將會幫助 Gabriela Hearst 擴大市場。

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