索尼新專利曝光 未來PSVR可望邁向無線化

FILE – This June 15, 2016 file photo, shows a PlayStation VR headset displayed at the Electronic Entertainment Expo in Los Angeles. At the recent Electronic Entertainment Expo, the video game industry teased a future where Xboxes and PlayStations are updated almost as frequently as smartphones. The move to release more consoles with varying features may mark the end of the traditional console cycle era, the decades-old tradition of brand-new systems coming out every seven or so years.(AP Photo/Nick Ut, File)
NOW電玩-2019-03-18 19:20:56
FILE – This June 15, 2016 file photo, shows a PlayStation VR headset displayed at the Electronic Entertainment Expo in Los Angeles. At the recent Electronic Entertainment Expo, the video game industry teased a future where Xboxes and PlayStations are updated almost as frequently as smartphones. The move to release more consoles with varying features may mark the end of the traditional console cycle era, the decades-old tradition of brand-new systems coming out every seven or so years.(AP Photo/Nick Ut, File)
PS VR也終於要邁向無線化了?據外媒報導指出,索尼近期申請了一項有關於PS VR的新專利,內容和VR裝置的無線化有極大的關係。

我是廣告 請繼續往下閱讀

在這項專利中,索尼將使用60GHz的無線頻率與PS VR進行連結。不過60GHz訊號範圍通常侷限於一個房間的,穿牆能力有限。因此在無法使用60GHz的情況下將會自動轉成5GHz的頻率進行連結。

我是廣告 請繼續往下閱讀

從專利圖可以看到,訊號發送盒需同時連結ps4主機以及螢幕,再把遊戲畫面傳輸到PS VR頭戴裝置上。同時在螢幕上也有另外的感應器,可能是用來接收頭戴裝置的各種運動。

至於此款全新PS VR是僅支援未來索尼的全新主機、或是連現在的PS4也支援目前仍是未知數,甚至連是否真的會推出此款新PS VR也不清楚,畢竟索尼官方至今對此也未有回應。不過專利這種東西能先註冊就先註冊,未來想用的話才不會綁手綁腳。不過既然都註冊了,就讓我們好好期待吧。

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