自製精緻「金魚包子」 一出爐全場笑瘋:怎麼變蠑螈

▲Malaysian cook, PeiFoon Sim was shocked to find her “goldfish bun” masterpiece had transformed into a pink blob after cooking. (Photo courtesy of PeiFoon Sim/Facebook)
姊妹淘-2021-02-20 10:12:03

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During the Chinese New Year holiday, many took the time off to cook, relax and eat festive foods with their loved ones.


With fish being one of the representative foods during this time of year, a Malaysian cook recently decided to try her hand at steaming “goldfish-shaped” buns for her child only to be met with surprising and hilarious results.

根據PeiFoon Sim的貼文,她原先應「寶貝」的要求,決定製作一系列的兔子包子,其中一隻還得緊握著紅蘿蔔。

According to the original post published by PeiFoon Sim, she made a series of buns after her “baby” requested a rabbit-shaped bun, complete with it holding a carrot.

為了讓兔子不要看起來太孤單,PeiFoon Sim也製作了一隻小小的金魚包子,並細心的捏出魚鰭、鱗片,和兩個黑眼珠完成作品。

To accompany the rabbits, Sim also made a small goldfish bun with delicate fins, scales and two black eyes to finish the design.

然而金魚卻意外成為全場焦點,PeiFoon Sim打開蒸籠發現原先的精細雕刻全部消失,儘剩一坨粉紅色的麵團,後面附上一個萎縮的尾巴和兩顆代表眼睛、極凸的黑色珠珠。

However, the goldfish completely stole the show in the end as it had swelled into a blob, rendering it into a pink creature with a stumped tail and two protruding black beads as its eyes.

▲The “goldfish” had swelled into a blob, rendering it into a pink creature with a stumped tail and two protruding black beads as its eyes. (Photo courtesy of PeiFoon Sim/Facebook)

The photos went viral tickling many social media users as they commented that the fish perfectly represents the post-Lunar New Year weight gain many were experiencing.


Others compared the design to axolotls, a salamander commonly known as the “walking fish” and a common pet for many.

▲Others compared the design to axolotls, a salamander commonly known as the “walking fish” and a common pet for many. (Photo courtesy of Shutterstock)

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Sim later revealed that her husband deemed the goldfish a newborn tadpole, but was consoled by social media users who shared their failed cooking attempts in the comment section below the original post.

▲Social media users shared their own failed attempts to console PeiFoon Sim. (Photo courtesy of Chhun Leng/Facebook)
原文自《The China Post

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