
▲樂高版星夜 | LEGO version of “Starry Night” (Courtesy of LEGO IDEAS)
姊妹淘-2021-03-06 23:02:19
【看CP學英文】當世界名畫梵谷的星夜(The Starry Night)結合樂高(LEGO)會激盪出什麼樣的火花呢?香港樂高玩家Truman Cheng在LEGO ideas網站上投稿,希望 LEGO公司能夠推出樂高版「星夜」,後來獲得1萬票支持,而樂高公司也將其付諸實行。

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When Van Gogh’sGogh’s famous painting “The Starry Night” is recreated with LEGO bricks, what kind of spark will be generated?

Truman Cheng, a Hong Kong LEGO player, submitted an idea on the LEGO ideas website, hoping that the Danish toy company would launch a LEGO version of “Starry Night.”

The suggestion was later supported by 10,000 votes so the company later decided to put it into practice.

▲樂高版星夜 | LEGO version of “Starry Night” (Courtesy of LEGO IDEAS)
根據designboom報導,25歲Truman告訴LEGO Ideas網站,「有一天,我在玩樂高積木時,突然,我發現隨機地將各個樂高積木拚合在一起,就好像梵谷作畫時的筆觸。」

“One day, I was just playing with LEGO parts, and I realized stacking LEGO plates together in random intervals looks a lot like Van Gogh’s iconic brush strokes,” the 25-year-old Hong Kong player told LEGO ideas.


He said that Van Gogh’sGogh’s unique brushstrokes outline the moon and swirling clouds, while players can also use their creativity to stack Lego brackets to create a Van Gogh-like brushstroke.

▲除此之外,此組樂高組合中還附上手拿著畫筆及調色盤的迷你梵谷樂高人偶、畫架上放著迷你版星夜畫作。| This LEGO set also includes a miniature Van Gogh LEGO figure holding a paintbrush and palette and a miniature version of the iconic painting on the easel. (Courtesy of LEGO IDEAS)

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The LEGO set featuring 1,552 bricks is a tribute to Van Gogh’sGogh’s iconic painting, which showcases the painter’s unique brushwork and use of color.

除此之外,此組樂高組合中還附上手拿著畫筆及調色盤的迷你梵谷樂高人偶、畫架上放著迷你版星夜畫作。What’s more? This LEGO set also includes a miniature Van Gogh LEGO figure holding a paintbrush and palette and a miniature version of the iconic painting on the easel.
原文自《The China Post

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