老外瘋傳台灣最狂「貓屋」 網友傻眼:對人類不友善

▲The second floor of the “Cat’s Pink House” is a made for cats only. (Photo courtesy of u/jiggyputtar/reddit)
▲The second floor of the “Cat’s Pink House” is a made for cats only. (Photo courtesy of u/jiggyputtar/reddit)



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A “Cat’s Pink House” specifically designed for a feline lover in Miaoli, Taiwan, has attracted the attention of foreigners online, with many questioning if the house is “human-friendly” with its unusual color and bright, smooth surface.


The three-story house was specially commissioned by Ms. Yeh from Miaoli. It includes an entire floor just for her pet cats.


To make it even more eccentric, the whole house, from the furniture to the walls to the drapes, is painted in different shades of pink, per the request of the owner as it’s her favorite color.


A picture of the second-floor dedicated to the cats was posted on discussion forum Reddit and immediately received attention from foreigners who suggested that though the design is intricate, it may be unnecessary.


One Reddit user questioned whether the designer actually owned cats, as from their personal experience, a few cardboard boxes would make any cats’ day.


Another suggested that the hard, smooth interior design may not be as “cat-friendly” as it originally hoped as every surface would be cold and slippery.


Though there were some who claimed to have fallen in love with the colors and architecture, a Reddit user made a very important point.

“No matter the intentions behind the design, cats will ultimately “find a way to ignore everything you put the most time into and instead opt to play with a garbage bag and lay on napkins,” the user wrote.

原文自 《The China Post

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