
▲IG爆紅棉堡、巨人之手秘境。(圖/molly888666、yy_aboutus IG)
姊妹淘-2020-03-12 22:51:59
▲近期在IG上爆紅的臺中秘境就位在臺中與苗栗的交界處。|A scenic spot “cotton castle,” known for water flowing down the white terraces, is located at the line between Taichung and Miaoli in central Taiwan. (Courtesy of IG: @molly888666)

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A scenic spot known for water flowing down the white terraces, “cotton castle” is located at the line between Taichung and Miaoli in central Taiwan.

The destination became an Instagram hit after some pictures taken by the visitors went viral.

由於泉水持續流動,到此拍照必須赤腳行走,務必留意腳步注意自身安全。若要前往秘境,建議google map導航至「自由國小烏石分校」,抵達後再往前一些就會看到一座橋,此秘境就位在橋的下方。

You are advised to walk barefoot and carefully to ensure your safety. How to get there? You can search for “Wu Shi Branch School” on google map. After arriving to the school, go further for a few minutes and a bridge will come into view. The secret spot is under the bridge.

▲近期在IG上爆紅的臺中秘境就位在臺中與苗栗的交界處。|A scenic spot “cotton castle,” known for water flowing down the white terraces, is located at the line between Taichung and Miaoli in central Taiwan. (Courtesy of IG: @molly888666)
地點:台中市和平區東崎路二段烏石巷61號(自由國小烏石分校)|No. 61, Wushi Ln., Sec. 2, Dongqi Rd., Heping Dist., Taichung City 424, Taiwan (Wu Shi Branch School)


When you visit Taichung, don’t forget to check out the giant’s hand sculpture situated in the middle of the forest in Dongshi District. The half-buried giant becomes the most Instagrammed spots to go for adventures.


It is said that a leisure farm was scheduled to be built on the land, which was indigenous people’ s sacred site. Despite warnings from locals, the construction started, and a tragedy happened. The sculpture was set up in memory of the worker who died during construction.

▲巨人之手|Giant’s hand sculpture (Courtesy of IG:@yy_aboutus)
▲巨人之手|Giant’s hand sculpture (Courtesy of IG: aguaphoto)

A few minutes’ walk from the giant’ s sculpture, the primary forest is the movie settings of “Warriors of the Rainbow: Seediq Bale” and “The Monkey King 3.” The thick and dense forests filled with bird’s nest ferns is absolutely a must-see spot for the nature lover.

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▲附近的雪山坑山蘇森林為賽德克巴萊、西遊記女兒國的取景地|A few minutes’ walk from the giant’ s sculpture, the primary forest is the movie settings of Warriors of the Rainbow: Seediq Bale and The Monkey King 3. (Courtesy of IG: @singleman_a)
▲附近的雪山坑山蘇森林為賽德克巴萊、西遊記女兒國的取景地|A few minutes’ walk from the giant’ s sculpture, the primary forest is the movie settings of Warriors of the Rainbow: Seediq Bale and The Monkey King 3. (Courtesy of IG: @singleman_a)
地址:台中市和平區水源地 | Address: 424, Taichung City, Heping District

原文自 《The China Post

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