新冠肺炎封城後 「笑笑羊」攜伴在公園嗨翻天

▲「笑笑羊」攜伴在公園嗨翻天。(圖/Twitter/Andrew Stuart)
姊妹淘-2020-04-09 01:55:55
【看英文中國郵報學英文】近期因2019新型冠狀病毒(COVID-19) 疫情擴散,許多國家陸續封城,而動物也趁機探頭出來遊蕩。

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From sheep to elephants, many people have seen animals of all kinds roaming the streets amid lockdowns aimed to prevent further spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19).


Some people have taken to Twitter to share pictures of the many animals exploring the streets now that humans are “out of the way.” One user even shared a video showing sheep playing on a playground near their home.


A town in Wales was also taken over by mountain goats and the images and videos were shared showing the daily activities of the herd.


ABC News also shared a video a resident living in South Carolina took of an alligator walking around a mall near Myrtle Beach.


Another shared their videos from Mumbai, where a peacock can be seen strutting down an empty street.

— Mahesh Naik (@MaheshN1976) April 3, 2020


An online user even posted a video of an elephant strolling down the streets in India.

The video also captured the moment when a milkman was so startled by the animal that he left his motorcycle behind to run for his life.

— Vaibhav Singh,IFS (@VaibhavSinghIFS) April 3, 2020

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原文自 《The China Post

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