Pegatron’s FY18 earnings d

▲ Pegatron's FY18 net profit decreased by 24.3% YoY to NTD11.115bn.
▲ Pegatron's FY18 net profit decreased by 24.3% YoY to NTD11.115bn.


Pegatron announced its FY18 earnings report today on March 14th. Its FY18 net profit was NTD11.115bn (-24.3% YoY). Its FY18 EPS was NTD4.25, decreased by 24.9% from Its FY17 EPS of NTD5.66. Pegatron’s 4Q18 net profit was NTD3.272bn (+15.6% QoQ, -12.2% YoY) with EPS of NTD1.25 (+15.7% QoQ, -12% YoY).

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Pegatron’s 4Q18 revenue was NTD466bn (+45% QoQ). 4Q18 revenue proportions of communications products, consumer electronics, computers, and others were 68%, 12%,13% and 7% respectively.

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