日職/樂天收購台灣職棒隊 日職當局回應:並未違反規章

Hiroshi Mikitani, chairman and CEO of Rakuten, Inc., attends a press conference to announce postponement of mobile phone service in Tokyo on September 6, 2019. The launch of Rakuten's mobile phone service was expected to be around the spring of 2020, six months behind the originally scheduled from October. This is because the base station has been delayed. For the time being, the number of users will be limited, and also temporarily free of charge will be considered. ( The Yomiuri Shimbun via AP Images )
Hiroshi Mikitani, chairman and CEO of Rakuten, Inc., attends a press conference to announce postponement of mobile phone service in Tokyo on September 6, 2019. The launch of Rakuten's mobile phone service was expected to be around the spring of 2020, six months behind the originally scheduled from October. This is because the base station has been delayed. For the time being, the number of users will be limited, and also temporarily free of charge will be considered. ( The Yomiuri Shimbun via AP Images )

記者雷明正 / 綜合報導

日本樂天集團昨( 19 )日召開記者會,宣布收購中華職棒 Lamigo 桃猿隊,成為首支持有日本和台灣 2 國職棒隊的企業。日本職棒當局日本野球機構( NPB )對此表示,並沒有違反規定,但是選手的轉隊還是要遵照「日台選手合約協定」。

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人氣球團 Lamigo 今年中宣布求售,而昨日宣布由日本樂天集團出線收購,並且球衣、隊名和隊徽都會變更。成為史上首支同時握有日本職棒球隊和中華職棒球隊的企業,也是樂天創辦人三木谷浩史在運動產業打造「樂天帝國」的一環。


而日本職棒也是不准外資持有職棒球隊,根據日本職棒規章第 28 條,球團資金無日本國籍持股不得超過49%,與中華職棒一樣。然而中華職棒是認定「新加入公司」才有這項限制,收購新球團則沒有。但日本職棒規章是註明「參加資格」,也就是說不管新加入或是收購新球團都必須滿足這項條件。
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