口罩有沒有戴好? 五步驟示範口罩正確戴法

▲五步驟示範口罩正確戴法。(圖/The China Post)
▲五步驟示範口罩正確戴法。(圖/The China Post)


【看英文中國郵報學英文】隨著新型冠狀病毒疫情蔓延,各國政府皆要求民眾配戴口罩,阻止疫情持續擴散,然而,口罩若是沒有戴好也無法有效防止病毒擴散。那麼該如何正確配戴口罩呢?跟著The China Post口罩配戴示範影片,檢查自己有沒有漏掉需注意的小細節!

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Amid the coronavirus outbreak, health authorities worldwide have asked their citizens to wear a mask to contain the virus’s spread. However, if you don’t wear a mask properly, it won’t effectively prevent the infection. Then how? Check out the video that demonstrates how to wear a mask properly!


Before you wear a mask, remember to use an alcohol-based sanitizer to clean your hands or wash your hands with soap.


Make sure there is no hole on the face masks and the colored side is facing outwards.


Lightly press the wire against the bridge of your nose and pull the mask to cover your chin.


What if the mask is too big? Don’t cross the ear loops because it may widen the gap on the sides. Instead, you should tie the ear loops to make it tighter and fit your face.


Remove masks without touching the front, keeping it away from your face. Dispose of it immediately.

原文自 《The China Post

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