檳榔西施變身創業楷模 越南新住民美容師圓夢開店

▲A Vietnamese new immigrant overcome various challenges in life with extraordinary perseverance and finally realized her dream of becoming a hairdresser. (photo courtesy/ 賴惠華@FB)
▲A Vietnamese new immigrant overcome various challenges in life with extraordinary perseverance and finally realized her dream of becoming a hairdresser. (photo courtesy/ 賴惠華@FB)



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Nguyen Li Hau (阮理厚), a Vietnamese new immigrant who married a Taiwanese citizen 22 years ago, has overcome various challenges in life with extraordinary perseverance.

She finally realized her dream of becoming a beautician, as she opened a beauty salon in her newly-bought home last month.

Her inspiring story has encouraged many new migrants to become entrepreneurs and financially independent, making her a role model for her fellow compatriots.


Nguyen Li Hau has been interested in beauty care and nail art ever since she was in middle school, however, when she first came to Taiwan, she had to adapt to the language and cultural differences, which interrupted her studies.

She wasn’t defeated but instead decided to focus on taking care of her family and improve her Chinese and Taiwanese language skills.

She later went through marital problems and divorced her husband, however, she wasn’t knocked down by this either.

Her wilful personality kept her going as she worked hard to make money and took on multiple job opportunities, serving as a betel nut girl, a vegetable picker, a garment factory worker, and even a construction worker.

Her purpose was to save enough money to reach her childhood dream of being a beautician.


Nguyen Li Hau took the money she saved from her part-time job on beauty courses and studied Chinese at a night school.

Finally, she passed the B-grade beautician technician license.

Due to her limited resources, Nguyen Li Hau started her business in the form of a “mobile beauty salon” as she took her toolbox with her and provided customers with home services.

Over time, she gradually developed a reputation for her business, and after years of hard work, she finally earned a house for herself and opened “Yu Li Beauty Salon” (妤麗美容苑) last month.


Nguyen Li Hau stated that when she first got married in Taiwan, she had nothing. Due to the help she received from many people, she was able to fulfill her dreams.

She was touched and said: “I really love Taiwan, and I am grateful for the people who have helped me. In the future, I will try my best to help out new immigrants who come to Taiwan.”


Now, Nguyen Li Hau is not only a beautician but also a lecturer in cosmetology vocational training at the Social Care Association(社會關懷協會.

She spends her free time working as an interpreter at the National Immigration Agency (移民署) to help new immigrants.

Nguyen Li Hau often encourages other immigrants to develop professional skills, using her own entrepreneurial success story as a proof: “If I can do it, you can do it too!”

原文自 《The China Post

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