香港最夯隱形袋成份曝光 網友暴動:台灣很需要!

▲香港一間新創公司推出環保塑膠袋「Invisible Bag」|A Hong Kong start-up company has launched an eco-friendly plastic bag dubbed “Invisible Bag” (Courtesy of
▲香港一間新創公司推出環保塑膠袋「Invisible Bag」|A Hong Kong start-up company has launched an eco-friendly plastic bag dubbed “Invisible Bag” (Courtesy of


【看CP學英文】響應環保,政府、民間團體提倡減少使用不易分解的塑膠垃圾,但你有想過若塑膠袋能直接溶於水,不是一舉兩得嗎?香港一間新創公司推出環保塑膠袋「Invisible Bag」能夠輕鬆溶於80度以上的熱水,且其成分無毒不會對地球造成傷害。

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In recent years, government and non-governmental organizations have been advocating for reducing the use of plastic waste. But have you ever thought that high-tech plastic bags that can dissolve in water would be a win-win situation?

A Hong Kong start-up company has launched an eco-friendly plastic bag dubbed “Invisible Bag” which can easily dissolve in hot water (above 80 degrees Celsius). More importantly, its ingredients are non-toxic and will not cause harm to the environment.

一切如何開始的呢?來自香港的Devana Ng與法籍丈夫Flavien Chaussegros熱愛越野跑,去年看到山林充滿塑膠垃圾,下定決心希望能為地球盡一份心力,減少垃圾量,因而成立公司「Distinctive Action」,提倡永續環保產品。

How did it all start? Devana Ng and her French husband Flavien Chaussegros are passionate about trail running. Last year, they saw the mountains full of plastic waste and decided to do their bit for the planet by reducing the amount of waste.

They founded a company, Distinctive Action, to promote sustainable and environmentally friendly products.

▲香港一間新創公司推出環保塑膠袋「Invisible Bag」|A Hong Kong start-up company has launched an eco-friendly plastic bag dubbed “Invisible Bag” (Courtesy of
▲香港一間新創公司推出環保塑膠袋「Invisible Bag」|A Hong Kong start-up company has launched an eco-friendly plastic bag dubbed “Invisible Bag” (Courtesy of

The Invisible Bag is made of Polyvinyl Alcohol (known as PVA) together with plant-based starch, glycerin and water.

After soaking in water for a few minutes, the Invisible Bag will dissolve in hot water which will turn milky white. However, it is environmentally safe, non-toxic, biodegradable, and leaves no microplastics behind, according to the Distinctive Action’s official website.

事實上,Invisible Bag的材料普遍應用在各大產業,包括醫療、個人護理用品等等都能看到類似材料,而這對夫妻決定將此應用於環保袋,取代一般塑膠垃圾袋。

The website says that the material of the bag is commonly used in several industries, such as medical and personal care applications.

Therefore, Distinctive Action aims to general use as an alternative solution to replace conventional plastics.


The Hong Kong-based start-up is actively promoting the use of eco-bags, which are increasingly being used by small shops with the same goal, such as second-hand clothing stores, coffee shops, restaurants and more.

Invisible Bag可承重3至4公斤,目前官網有販售服飾袋、購物袋,每個售價港幣HK$1.5 (約新台幣5.68)至1.65(約新台幣6.25)。

The Invisible Bag can hold 3-4kg and is currently available on the official website for HK$1.50 (NT$5.68) to HK$1.65 (NT$6.25) each.

▲目前官網有販售服飾袋、購物袋,每個售價港幣HK$1.5 (約新台幣5.68)至1.65(約新台幣6.25)。| The Invisible Bag can hold 3-4kg and is currently available on the official website for HK$1.50 (NT$5.68) to HK$1.65 (NT$6.25) each. (Courtesy of
▲目前官網有販售服飾袋、購物袋,每個售價港幣HK$1.5 (約新台幣5.68)至1.65(約新台幣6.25)。| The Invisible Bag can hold 3-4kg and is currently available on the official website for HK$1.50 (NT$5.68) to HK$1.65 (NT$6.25) each. (Courtesy of
原文自 《The China Post

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