生3胎依舊纖瘦! 凱特王妃「飲食重點、運動習慣」公開


記者駱映儒 / 綜合報導


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生3胎依舊纖瘦! 凱特王妃「飲食重點、運動習慣」公開

凱特王妃的穿搭、美容方法是許多現代女性所追求的目標,尤其婚後一直維持苗條身材,產後很快就瘦下來,讓不少皇室粉絲無比羨慕。根據外媒《Express》報導,凱特曾嘗試法國醫生Pierre Dukan提出的杜康飲食法(Dukan diet)瘦身,不需節食就能幫助燃燒身體脂肪。

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? We invite you to take a sneak peek at The Duchess of Cambridge’s #RHSChelsea ‘Back to Nature’ Garden! The woodland wilderness garden aims to get people back to nature, and highlight the benefits of the natural world on our mental and physical wellbeing. Speaking ahead of @The_RHS garden unveiling, The Duchess of Cambridge said: “In recent years I have focussed much of my work on the early years, and how instrumental they are for outcomes later in life. I believe that spending time outdoors when we are young can play a role in laying the foundations for children to become happy, healthy adults.” Some features of the #ChelseaFlowerShow garden include: 1. A swing seat hanging below the garden’s centrepiece, a high platform tree house, encouraging creative play and discovery for all generations. 2. The high platform tree house is inspired by a bird or animal nest and provides a wonderful place to retreat and look out through the trees. The treehouse is made from chestnut, with hazel, stag horn oak and larch nest cladding. 3/4. The garden is aiming to inspire interaction with the natural environment through its multi-sensory, green and blue plant scheme. The garden will be filled with incredible edibles, plants for craft activities, forest scents and a diverse range of plants, shrubs and trees of different heights and textures. The garden forms part of Her Royal Highness’s ongoing work on early childhood development and her mission to support efforts that give every child the best possible start in life. The Duchess has committed to making early childhood development the focus of her work in the years to come, and believes that providing children with the opportunity to spend time outdoors can play an important role.

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其實杜康飲食法已經流行多年,許多名人都愛用,像是Jennifer Lopez、超模Gisele Bundchen都曾分享用此方法進行產後瘦身。它分為進攻期(Attack Phase)、休息期(Cruise Phase)、鞏固期(Consolidation Phase)、穩定期(Stabilisation Phase)四個階段,採用高蛋白質、低澱粉、多蔬菜的飲食原則,且每天至少要喝1500cc的水,並搭配運動來甩肉。




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