花蓮零死角海景咖啡店 網美曝「這三家」必朝聖

▲花蓮必朝聖的三家零死角海景咖啡店。(圖/授權自IG mia11255)
▲花蓮必朝聖的三家零死角海景咖啡店。(圖/授權自IG mia11255)



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With its beautiful mountains, blue skies, vast seas, scenic valleys, and friendly kindhearted people, Hualien has become one of Taiwan’s top travel destinations for local and international visitors. Here are three #Instaworthy locations you should definitely visit!

Pony Café 咖啡廳

▲Pony cafe’s “ladder to the sky” is a great spot to start your #Instaworthy journey. (Photo courtesy of Instagram/m.w618)
▲Pony cafe’s “ladder to the sky” is a great spot to start your #Instaworthy journey. (Photo courtesy of Instagram/m.w618)
這家咖啡廳於2019年的9月開幕,迅速成為網紅最夯打卡點。這家咖啡店最有名的設施就是通往天堂的樓梯!不僅如此,Pony Café還有海景游泳池、騎馬場以及可愛動物區,包括火雞、兔子、鱷魚、馬和陀鳥。旅客也可以買紅蘿蔔餵食農場內的馬匹和兔子。不過咖啡店有低消120元,造訪的顧客需特別注意。

Pony café opened in September 2019 and quickly became one of the most famous places for a photoshoot in Hualien as it boasts of a ladder that leads you to heaven!

The café also offers a swimming pool with an ocean-view and even a horse-riding ranch. There are also turkeys, rabbits, crocodiles, horses and ostriches.

You can even purchase carrots to feed the farm animals there. There is no entrance fee, but you must spend at least NT$120 in the café.

How to get there? | 地址/Address: 花蓮縣秀林鄉秀林村民有3之36 | 營業時間/Opening hours: Tues ~ Fri: 10:30 ~ 18:00/Sat & Sun: 9:30~18:00 | 電話/Phone: 0938-840-560

山姆先生咖啡館 | Mr. Sam

▲Mr. Sam 山姆先生咖啡館。(Photo courtesy of Instagram/lan_82)
▲Mr. Sam 山姆先生咖啡館。(Photo courtesy of Instagram/lan_82)

Mr. Sam is the masterpiece of a renovated old wooden house which was then turned into a fairy-tale-like structure by its owner.

There is a retro truck, a castle, and a romantic caravan, among many other cute picture-worthy spots. Not only is the cafe itself magnificent, the area surrounding it is just as breathtaking.

The man-made lake complements the fantasy-like café. Not only this, but there is also a cute petting zoo where kids can feed and play with animals! The entire location is entrance free, and visitors can get a drink and some snacks to wind down and relax.

How to get there? | 地址/Address: 蓮縣壽豐鄉樹湖20號 | 營業時間|Opening hours: Mon~Wed + Fri~Sun: 11:00-17:00, open every day from 10:00~18:00 from July 1 to Aug. 31 | 電話/Phone: 03-865-6518

海崖谷 | Sea Cliff Valley

▲花蓮海崖谷。(Photo courtesy of Instagram/sya_o7)
▲花蓮海崖谷。(Photo courtesy of Instagram/sya_o7)

This location is the perfect naturalistic spot for “glamping,” cafés and photos. It’s well-decorated with many aesthetic chairs and beanbags.

There’s even a flower wreath so big you can sit on it to enjoy a 360-degree view of the ocean and the cafe! It’s also kids-friendly with a sandpit, playground, and small man-made ponds for kids to play in.

Not only this, but the food here is delicious as well! This place also offers visitors the chance for a memorable “glamping” experience, so feel free to look on their website to know more!

▲花蓮海崖谷。(Photo courtesy of Instagram/c.sarah13)
▲花蓮海崖谷。(Photo courtesy of Instagram/c.sarah13)
How to get there? | Address: 花蓮縣壽豐鄉鹽寮村大坑51-5號 |Opening hours: 10:00~17:30; Dinner (with reservations): 18:00~21:00 |Entrance fee: NT$100 (free of charge for elementary students and under)

原文自 《The China Post

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