台灣學生藝術企劃驚艷外國社群 老外直呼:令人不敢直視

▲「100%純污水製冰所」是由三位台灣藝術大學視覺傳達設計系學生, 洪亦辰、郭怡慧、鄭毓迪於2017年發想的企劃。|Three Taiwanese students conceive the art project “Polluted Water Popsicles.” (Courtesy of 100%純污水製冰所 / Facebook)
▲「100%純污水製冰所」是由三位台灣藝術大學視覺傳達設計系學生, 洪亦辰、郭怡慧、鄭毓迪於2017年發想的企劃。|Three Taiwanese students conceive the art project “Polluted Water Popsicles.” (Courtesy of 100%純污水製冰所 / Facebook)



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A science writer tweeted on Wednesday a series of colorful popsicles, saying he was shocked by the beautiful artwork of Taiwanese students.

What surprised @FerrisJabr the most is that the 100 popsicles were all made of polluted water collected from Taiwan’s rivers, lakes, beaches and ports.


The online accolade gathered more than 3,900 retweets and comments in one day, as well as 9,600 likes, with many online users praising the “work of art” created by Taiwanese students, calling it highly creative.

▲「100%純污水製冰所」是由三位台灣藝術大學視覺傳達設計系學生, 洪亦辰、郭怡慧、鄭毓迪於2017年發想的企劃。|Three Taiwanese students conceive the art project “Polluted Water Popsicles.” (Courtesy of 100%純污水製冰所 / Facebook)
▲「100%純污水製冰所」是由三位台灣藝術大學視覺傳達設計系學生, 洪亦辰、郭怡慧、鄭毓迪於2017年發想的企劃。|Three Taiwanese students conceive the art project “Polluted Water Popsicles.” (Courtesy of 100%純污水製冰所 / Facebook)
其實,「100%純污水製冰所」是由三位台灣藝術大學視覺傳達設計系學生, 洪亦辰、郭怡慧、鄭毓迪於2017年發想的企劃。

Three students reportedly conceived the art project, titled “Polluted Water Popsicles”— Hung Yi-chen, Guo Yi-hui and Cheng Yu-ti — from the Department of Visual Communication Design, National Taiwan University of Arts in 2017.


They went to 100 polluted areas around Taiwan to collect samples, created the popsicles, and reproduced them into 1:1 poly models.

If you take a closer look, you’ll find that the popsicles are filled with additives, including golden apple snail, pulp, plastic bottles, cigarette butts, and more, all of which come from the rivers in Taiwan.


The students hope to convey the importance of unpolluted water to humanity and achieve a thought-provoking goal.


The science writer’s post sheds the spotlight on this 2017 art project, drawing attention from the foreign community.

In response to the post, one said: “This perspective of aquatic pollution is innovative & disturbing,” while another wrote that it is a beautiful reminder of how impactful art can be for viewing the world right in front of us more clearly.


In addition, most said they were impressed by the creative ways in which the Taiwanese students raised environmental awareness and drew attention to water pollution.

原文自 《The China Post

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