
▲2020台北白晝之夜主視覺|2020 Nuit Blanche (Courtesy of Nuit Blanche)
▲2020台北白晝之夜主視覺|2020 Nuit Blanche (Courtesy of Nuit Blanche)


【看CP學英文】今年邁入第五屆《臺北白晝之夜》以「南港通電 看見交界」為主題,將於10月3日晚間6點持續到10月4日早上6點在南港區舉行,邀請來自灣、法國、英國等近百位藝術家,共21件裝置作品、50組表演團體。

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The fifth “Nuit Blanche” will unfold in Nangang District, Taipei from 6 p.m. on Oct. 3 to 6 a.m. on Oct. 4, with a total of 21 art installations, nearly a hundred artists, and 50 performance groups from Taiwan, France, the UK and more.

▲裝置藝術:章魚入侵,自英國的Filthy Luker以充氣裝置「塗鴉」街頭,只見腳而不見其身的10米長章魚腳霸佔了大型停車場,放大再放大的的充氣雕塑和無政府狀態的幽默,令Filthy Luker在國際街頭藝術運動中獨樹一 幟。 | Art installation: Tentacles, by Filthy Luker/United Kingdom(Courtesy of Nuit Blanche)
▲裝置藝術:章魚入侵,自英國的Filthy Luker以充氣裝置「塗鴉」街頭,只見腳而不見其身的10米長章魚腳霸佔了大型停車場,放大再放大的的充氣雕塑和無政府狀態的幽默,令Filthy Luker在國際街頭藝術運動中獨樹一 幟。 | Art installation: Tentacles, by Filthy Luker/United Kingdom(Courtesy of Nuit Blanche)

The exhibition area spanning from the MRT Nangang station to the Kunyang Station includes Taipei Pop Music Center (TMC), TMC East and West Plaza, Taiwan Power Company, Nangangang Bottle Cap Factory, Extreme Sports Training Center and the Nanxing Park.

▲座標系列—星火,作者高德亮,以測量用的紅色雷射光來回掃描圍籬內的樹木,透過自然物質有機的形態,讓生硬的人造光柔化成富有生命感的流動光線,並呈現出自然生命的多重連結與切面。 | Spark by Kou Tak-Leong /Taiwan. In this work, red laser light, which is commonly used as a measurement tool, is scanning the grove back and forth. (Courtesy of Nuit Blanche)
▲座標系列—星火,作者高德亮,以測量用的紅色雷射光來回掃描圍籬內的樹木,透過自然物質有機的形態,讓生硬的人造光柔化成富有生命感的流動光線,並呈現出自然生命的多重連結與切面。 | Spark by Kou Tak-Leong /Taiwan. In this work, red laser light, which is commonly used as a measurement tool, is scanning the grove back and forth. (Courtesy of Nuit Blanche)

The outdoor art event, organized by art director Lin Kun-ying, opens a junction with a sensory discourse that sets the tone for “Nangang Power,” transforming Nangang into a vibrant landscape for the artists.

▲零件的零件的零 作者:黃郁晴與馬特 H & M/臺灣。歷經多次整併,台電修護處終於正式成立於台灣解嚴那年,長久以來扮演維護全台電力命脈的重要角色,卻少有人知。這一晚,黃郁晴與馬特邀請還在路上嬉鬧的遊魂進入這座空無一人的巨大廠房,安靜下來,畢竟唯有在夜裡才能真正進入它的白晝,透過機具兀自運轉的聲響,直抵維修的本質──除錯或者汰舊換新,如此純粹,然後通電。|A bit of None, by H & M from Taiwan. Having been consolidated a few times in the past, Tai-Power Maintenance Department officially got founded in the year of the abolishment of Martial Law. (Courtesy of Nuit Blanche)
▲零件的零件的零 作者:黃郁晴與馬特 H & M/臺灣。歷經多次整併,台電修護處終於正式成立於台灣解嚴那年,長久以來扮演維護全台電力命脈的重要角色,卻少有人知。這一晚,黃郁晴與馬特邀請還在路上嬉鬧的遊魂進入這座空無一人的巨大廠房,安靜下來,畢竟唯有在夜裡才能真正進入它的白晝,透過機具兀自運轉的聲響,直抵維修的本質──除錯或者汰舊換新,如此純粹,然後通電。|A bit of None, by H & M from Taiwan. Having been consolidated a few times in the past, Tai-Power Maintenance Department officially got founded in the year of the abolishment of Martial Law. (Courtesy of Nuit Blanche)

The event offers a wide spectrum of visuals, influences, installations, light and performances, with 12 hours of non-stop performances that will turn the city into an art gallery.

▲等待果陀 明日和合製作所臺灣/以法國劇作家山謬貝克特(Samuel Beckett)的作品《等待果陀! Waiting for Godot》為引⼦,將原劇本中的「果陀」轉化為今⽇藝術經驗。在如⾺戲班班子的帳棚內正演出⼀場名為《等待果陀》的演出,每次僅限⼀個⼈觀看,每場演出五分鐘。透過彩球機抽取「幸運球」的⽅式,使欲觀看的觀眾取得幸運號碼,再透過電腦隨機叫號的⽅式,隨機叫號進場觀眾。|Waiting for Godot by Co-coism. “Waiting for Godot” is a participatory performance. During the performance, there is a prepared big circus tent and stating there is a 5-minutes performance named “Waiting for Godot.” (Courtesy of Nuit Blanche)
▲等待果陀 明日和合製作所臺灣/以法國劇作家山謬貝克特(Samuel Beckett)的作品《等待果陀! Waiting for Godot》為引⼦,將原劇本中的「果陀」轉化為今⽇藝術經驗。在如⾺戲班班子的帳棚內正演出⼀場名為《等待果陀》的演出,每次僅限⼀個⼈觀看,每場演出五分鐘。透過彩球機抽取「幸運球」的⽅式,使欲觀看的觀眾取得幸運號碼,再透過電腦隨機叫號的⽅式,隨機叫號進場觀眾。|Waiting for Godot by Co-coism. “Waiting for Godot” is a participatory performance. During the performance, there is a prepared big circus tent and stating there is a 5-minutes performance named “Waiting for Godot.” (Courtesy of Nuit Blanche)

There are three recommended routes this year. The first route is from the MRT Kunyang Station to the MRT Nangang Station, starting at the Taiwan Power Company and passing through the TMC plaza, the Bottle Cap Factory, Nanxing Park, and so on. The second one is the opposite, going from east to west to Kunyang Station.


The third is from Taiwan Power Company to Nangang Station via the bottle cap factory.

▲看見你的自由步 驫舞劇場 蘇威嘉 /臺灣|蘇威嘉10年編舞計畫邁入第7年,以AR擴增實境(Augmented Reality, AR)重新定義觀看形式,觀眾將手持平板或手機裝置,在空間中自由遊走,透過AR介面找尋屬於自己的凝視視角,觀賞舞作的各種不同細節。蘇威嘉從科技角度出發,思考當代舞蹈觀演關係的可能,在科技的輔助下,以環繞同步攝影技術呈現舞蹈最真實的樣貌,透過數位科技為肢體留下永恆和多樣式身體,更打破時空限制,讓觀看不限於時間、角度和距離,孵化「觀」與「演」的未來自由式。| FreeSteps AR Yours by HORSE Su Wei-Chia from Taiwan. For the seventh year in SU Wei-chia’s decade-long choreography project. (Courtesy of Nuit Blanche)
▲看見你的自由步 驫舞劇場 蘇威嘉 /臺灣|蘇威嘉10年編舞計畫邁入第7年,以AR擴增實境(Augmented Reality, AR)重新定義觀看形式,觀眾將手持平板或手機裝置,在空間中自由遊走,透過AR介面找尋屬於自己的凝視視角,觀賞舞作的各種不同細節。蘇威嘉從科技角度出發,思考當代舞蹈觀演關係的可能,在科技的輔助下,以環繞同步攝影技術呈現舞蹈最真實的樣貌,透過數位科技為肢體留下永恆和多樣式身體,更打破時空限制,讓觀看不限於時間、角度和距離,孵化「觀」與「演」的未來自由式。| FreeSteps AR Yours by HORSE Su Wei-Chia from Taiwan. For the seventh year in SU Wei-chia’s decade-long choreography project. (Courtesy of Nuit Blanche)
原文自 《The China Post

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