


一位台裔美國模特兒謝琳(Shereen Wu),近日在社群網站上踢爆,知名時裝設計師科斯特洛(Michael Costello)在社交媒體上,轉發了1張她被AI「換臉」成白人的照片,截至上週末為止,該段抖音影片播放量已逼近200萬次。

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綜合外媒報導,科斯特洛是曾與珍妮佛羅培茲(Jennifer Lopez)、碧昂絲(Beyoncé)、席琳迪翁(Céline Dion)等大咖合作的知名設計師,還參與過知名實境秀《決戰時裝伸展台》(Project Runway),近日他在Instagram上發布了一張洛杉磯時裝活動拍攝的照片,1名穿著黑色禮服的模特兒在伸展台上,看起來像是1名白人女性。


@shereenwuMichael Costello has yet to take responsibility for his actions. I want to explain what happened, and I hope other models in the future feel comfortable to speak up. He has since offered to post my photo side by side with the AI one, but has not voluntarily post it. This offer did not contain an apology, and only happened after a model who’s close with him brought light to the situation. Some points I couldn’t fit: -Replaced the face of a model from the same collection -Lightened the skin of a black model in a photo and proceeded to push blame on the makeup artist (mua did not lighten the skin) -Screamed at models backstage (he screamed at the girl who stumbled on the runway to near tears, only to make an Instagram post praising her after.) But considering how long he’s been acting like this, I doubt any apology from him would be sincere; they would be performative at best. (Sorry for the weird cuts and sped up video I was trying to fit as much as I can in) #michaelcostello #greenscreenvideo #drama #michaelcostellocontroversy

♬ original sound - shereenwu


謝琳已聯繫了倡導時尚工作者權益的組織「模特兒聯盟」(Model Alliance),後者將她轉介給律師,聯盟創辦人澤芙(Sara Ziff)表示,10多年來,模特兒形像未經同意即被以不當方式使用的狀況屢見不鮮,謝琳的經歷只是其中之一,直言:「AI的問題可能是新的,但模特兒影像被濫用的問題不是。」

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