印度女子大學遭千名醉漢闖入性侵 警方漠視僅逮捕10人

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▲(圖/翻攝自 Social News XYZ )

國際中心林孝萱 / 綜合報導

印度新德里南部的加爾基女子大學( Gargi College ) 2 月 6 日傳出學校在舉行結業式時,一群醉酒的男子集體闖入校園,破壞校內設施,並對在場的女學生們進行大規模的性侵、毆打。當時印度警方也在場,然而卻沒有人向學生們生出援手。直到 4 天後,學校才通報警方,然而卻沒有人真的被以「強姦罪」起訴。

我是廣告 請繼續往下閱讀
綜合各印度媒體的報導, 2 月 6 日學校正在舉辦結業式,數百名酒醉的男子,其中有些人被證實互相認識,在校園外聚集、破壞周遭車輛與設施,強行闖入了女子大學。



飽受驚嚇的學生們在社群媒體上披露了這場大規模性騷擾,一名學生在部落格上描述整起事件的冰山一角「女孩的身體被隨意觸碰、被鎖進廁所、被侵犯、被嘲弄、被尾隨至附近的公園」這名學生補充道,她聽見有人高喊著「 Jai Shri Ram 」,那是印度總理莫迪所推行的印度教極右派民族主義的口號。這讓外界不禁懷疑這些男性背後,是否有其他的政治力量。


▲印度民眾抗議政府修正《公民法》,將穆斯林視為次等公民。(圖/翻攝自 VOX )


約 100 名憤怒、害怕的女大生們發起了罷課活動抗議,要求校方徹查此事。在一份聯合聲明中,學生們批評校方、警方都對此事毫無作為。


事發經過長達 4 日,校方才在抗議的壓力下向警方報案,並成立調查委員會,承諾會在週六( 15 )交出一份報告。然而在上千嫌疑犯中,目前只查明了 30 人,並對其中 15 進行審問, 10 人遭到逮補。南德里警察局副局長塔庫爾( Atul Kumar Thakur )表示,被逮捕的 10名年輕人年齡在 18 至 25 歲之間,來自德里地區的公、私立大學。


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?????? ? @indiatimesinsta ??? ????. . A few days ago, some students of Gargi College alleged that a handful of “drunken men” -- allegedly pro-CAA demonstrators -- had entered the college’s campus and misbehaved the students. The incident allegedly took place on Day 3 of their annual fest ‘Reverie’. The group of drunken men said to be chanting ‘Jai Shri Ram’ slogans, entered the college and manhandled female students. "Girls were groped, locked in washrooms, stalked to the nearby Green Park metro, cat-called, eve-teased and misbehaved with during the festival," read the blog of one of the students of Gargi College. The blog added: "The men were allegedly shouting 'Jai Shri Ram' slogans that made us presume they had 'Hindutva/BJP' affiliation. We don't know how true this is as those who witnessed the episode are scared to come forward." “? ??? ????? ???????????? ????? ??????? ?? ??” The students were molested, sexually assaulted in their own college. A student, on the condition of anonymity, told “around 6:30 pm on February 6, the field was so massively crowded that there was no space to move. Two of my friends who were accompanying me, they had held my hands so that I don't get lost in the crowd as there is no cell reception on the field. Suddenly immense pressure came from behind and my hand got jerked off so I lost my friends for the next 10-15 minutes, and in those minutes, I was molested thrice." “??? ???????? & ???????? ??” Another student said that around 3-3.30pm, a large group of men started pushing the doors and entered the college campus. The student narrated that there was no police presence or bouncers at the main entrance between 3pm to 4pm, when 300-400 people entered college. Read the full story on Indiatimes official website.

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