
▲A social media user recently shared on Twitter that she found “cast iron pans” featuring Taiwan’s map for sale at Costco in Taiwan, causing quite a stir among other social media users. (Screenshot from @trickytaipei /Twitter)
▲A social media user recently shared on Twitter that she found “cast iron pans” featuring Taiwan’s map for sale at Costco in Taiwan, causing quite a stir among other social media users. (Screenshot from @trickytaipei /Twitter)



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U.S. retailer Costco is where many families shop for household goods such as cookware. A social media user recently shared on Twitter that she found “cast iron pans” featuring Taiwan’s map for sale at Costco in Taiwan, causing quite a stir among other social media users.

這名網友於週三貼出照片,只見鑄鐵鍋底部印有台灣的形狀,就連金門澎湖馬祖等離島也都有印上,且一旁還刻著「Taiwan Edition」(台灣特別版) 字樣。

The user posted a photo of the cast iron pan featuring a map of Taiwan and the offshore islands of Kinmen, Penghu and Matsu. “Taiwan Edition” is also printed on the bottom.

▲A social media user recently shared on Twitter that she found “cast iron pans” featuring Taiwan’s map for sale at Costco in Taiwan, causing quite a stir among other social media users. (Screenshot from @trickytaipei<br />/Twitter)
▲A social media user recently shared on Twitter that she found “cast iron pans” featuring Taiwan’s map for sale at Costco in Taiwan, causing quite a stir among other social media users. (Screenshot from @trickytaipei

▲According to the Costco website, the “Lodge Taiwan Special Edition Cast Iron” is priced at NT$1,409 each (US$49.41). (Screenshot is taken from Costco website)
▲According to the Costco website, the “Lodge Taiwan Special Edition Cast Iron” is priced at NT$1,409 each (US$49.41). (Screenshot is taken from Costco website)
原PO寫道:「哇,有多少人買Lodge Castlron印有台灣形狀以及『台灣版本』字樣的鍋子?!Costco現在在賣這款鍋子。」

“Wow how many people in Taiwan are buying @LodgeCastIronthat they have a special “Taiwan Edition” with the shape of Taiwan?! This is selling at Costco.”


In response to the post, one user commented: “I bought three of these a few months ago and non of them have Taiwan on them. I feel wronged.”


Another one exclaimed: “Omg is this limited or will it be there for some time? Also how much?” while the other said that she’s feeling a bit cheated that she had the non-Taiwan one.


Many foreign users also said they couldn’t wait to buy one after coming across the post.

美國廚具大廠Lodge Cast Iron創立於1896年,擁有悠久歷史。根據Costco官網, Lodge 台灣特別版鑄鐵每個售價新台幣1409元。

Lodge Cast Iron founded in 1896 is America’s oldest manufacturer of cast iron cookware.According to the Costco website, the Lodge Taiwan Special Edition Cast Iron is priced at NT$1,409 per piece (US$49.41).

原文自《The China Post

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