走入夢幻異世界!3大浪漫「賞螢景點」必訪 漫天飛舞的螢火蟲一閃一閃美到不真實

▲As the firefly season in Taiwan approaches, make sure you visit these top 3 “fairy-tale-like” destinations! (Photo courtesy of @plant_hui/Instagram)
▲As the firefly season in Taiwan approaches, make sure you visit these top 3 “fairy-tale-like” destinations! (Photo courtesy of @plant_hui/Instagram)



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Fireflies, though small, often gives people the allure of mystery and magic. As the firefly season in Taiwan approaches, make sure you visit these top 3 “fairy-tale-like” destinations!

烏來雲仙樂園 | Yun-Hsien Resort

▲Perched high in the scenic mountains of Wulai, Yun-Hsien Resort is the only park that requires tourists to ride cable cars to reach it. (Photos courtesy of @gracebeyondstars (left) @_.mmmine (center) and @aaron.626 (right))
▲Perched high in the scenic mountains of Wulai, Yun-Hsien Resort is the only park that requires tourists to ride cable cars to reach it. (Photos courtesy of @gracebeyondstars (left) @_.mmmine (center) and @aaron.626 (right))

Perched high in the scenic mountains of Wulai, Yun-Hsien Resort is the only park that requires tourists to ride cable cars to reach it.

The resort boasts of an abundant of natural charms such as rivers and the famous Wulai Waterfall.

During the summertime, the firefly lane in Yun-Hsien Resort is often packed with tourists who are looking for a romantic night with these glow-in-the-dark beauties.

地址|How to get there :新北市烏來區瀑布路1-1號 No. 1-1, Pubu, Wulai Dist., New Taipei City | 電話|Phone: 02-2661-6383

蓮華池賞螢秘道 | Lianhuachi

▲Every year, when the firefly season approaches, locals trek through the woods to observe thousands of fireflies fluttering in the dark at Lianhuachi. (Photo courtesy of @chun_vision/Instagram)
▲Every year, when the firefly season approaches, locals trek through the woods to observe thousands of fireflies fluttering in the dark at Lianhuachi. (Photo courtesy of @chun_vision/Instagram)

Lianhuachi, a research center of the Taiwan Forestry Research Institute, is home to various kinds of trees such as Chinese Fir, broad-leaved trees, ferns and the like.

However, a lesser-known fact to the public is its hidden spot to admire fireflies.

Every year, when the firefly season approaches, locals trek through the woods to observe thousands of fireflies fluttering in the dark at Lianhuachi. It is no doubt a striking memory that many people hold dear for quite some time.

▲The beautiful scene attracts locals and visitors alike every year. (Photo courtesy of @love06250709/Instagram)
▲The beautiful scene attracts locals and visitors alike every year. (Photo courtesy of @love06250709/Instagram)
地址|How to get there :南投投66線道上 Nantou No.66 Country Road

遇見彩虹生態村 | Over The Rainbow

▲Situated in Meishan Township, Chiayi, “Over The Rainbow” is one of the most well-known attractions for admiring fireflies in the southern Taiwan. (Photo courtesy of @your50134654/Instagram)
▲Situated in Meishan Township, Chiayi, “Over The Rainbow” is one of the most well-known attractions for admiring fireflies in the southern Taiwan. (Photo courtesy of @your50134654/Instagram)

Situated in Meishan Township, Chiayi, “Over The Rainbow” is one of the most well-known attractions for admiring fireflies in the southern Taiwan.

As many as 20 species of fireflies can be spotted in the park from March to June.

In addition, “Over The Rainbow” also plans a specific area for avid photographers to capture the stunning moments.

▲As many as 20 species of fireflies can be spotted in the park from March to June. (Photo courtesy of @molly888666/Instagram)
▲As many as 20 species of fireflies can be spotted in the park from March to June. (Photo courtesy of @molly888666/Instagram)
地址|How to get there :嘉義縣梅山鄉瑞里村10-1號 No.10-1, Ruili Village, Meishan Township, Chiayi County | 電話|Phone: 0921-420-176

原文自《The China Post

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