
▲左至右分別為有記名茶、一茗糖、春水堂、老派金魚、魚池貳壹。 The collage shows the tea from five shops including Wang Tea, Sugar M, Chun Shui Tang, GoldFish, TEA TWENTY ONE. (from left to right)
▲左至右分別為有記名茶、一茗糖、春水堂、老派金魚、魚池貳壹。 The collage shows the tea from five shops including Wang Tea, Sugar M, Chun Shui Tang, GoldFish, TEA TWENTY ONE. (from left to right)


【看CP學英文】遊客來台觀光的原因百百種,有些想體驗台式文化,有些則想大啖社群媒體上瘋傳的美食,不過有一樣東西已成為遊客來台必踩的行程— 珍珠奶茶店。

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Many people come to Taipei to experience the culture, others come to enjoy the food that people rave about on social media, but there is one thing everyone consistently seeks out — bubble tea.


The popular drink has taken the world by storm, and Taiwan has the best to offer. Chain stores such as Coco, 50 Lan or Ten Ren Tea, are all some of Taiwan’s more well-known brands, but this guide will not only bring some other chains, it will also introduce some of the local stores that deserve more attention for their delicious drinks.

春水堂 Chun Shui Tang

▲春水堂的招牌珍奶(右)以及春水堂的外觀(左)<br />| The collage shows Chun Shui Tang’s bubble milk tea (right) and the storefront of Chun Shui Tang (left). (Courtesy of Daolong Yang and Chun Shui Tang / Facebook)
| The collage shows Chun Shui Tang’s bubble milk tea (right) and the storefront of Chun Shui Tang (left). (Courtesy of Daolong Yang and Chun Shui Tang / Facebook)

When thinking of bubble tea, there is always one problem, who was the first to create this delicious drink. One store comes up quite often in this debate, Chun Shui Tang.


Often referenced as the inventor of this drink, Chun Shui Tang reportedly created a mixture of milk and tea, combined with delicious tapioca, to begin their famed drinks. This store is a must-visit for all you milk tea lovers.


Not only do they have delicious drinks, but Chun Shui Tang also allows you to customize your order, for example, you don’t want the drink to be super cold, they allow you to modify the amount of ice, more or less than the usual amount.


Of course, they also allow you to change the amount of sugar as well.


地址: 台北市信義區松壽路9號

營業時間: 11:00-22:00

附近捷運站: 市政府站、象山站、台北101站

附近公車站: 市政府站、興雅國中站、台北101站、信義行政中心(松仁)、松廉路

附近景點: 新光三越、台北101

有記名茶 Wang Tea

▲左圖為有記名茶的招牌茶,右圖則為位在新光三越A8的有記名茶。| The collage shows Wang Tea’s signature tea (left) and store front on WangTea (Courtesy of (Courtesy of Daolong Yang and Wang Tea / Facebook)
▲左圖為有記名茶的招牌茶,右圖則為位在新光三越A8的有記名茶。| The collage shows Wang Tea’s signature tea (left) and store front on WangTea (Courtesy of (Courtesy of Daolong Yang and Wang Tea / Facebook)

Formerly known as a store known to manufacture and wholesaler for tea, it has since been changed to a production store.


Though their drinks may be slightly out of the norm, this store is definitely one to try out while in Taiwan. The key feature of their drink is when you receive your drink, a tea egg will also be provided.


While it may seem strange to have tea eggs, a traditional Chinese snack, the sweet and savory combination is certainly something to test. Unfortunately, due to location restrictions, this store is the closest and most convenient but does not provide the milk tea.


It, however, sells lots of different styles of tea, and if you really wish, it is certainly possible to make your own milk tea using their tea flavors.


地址: 台北市信義區松高路12號B2

營業時間: 11:00-21:30 (周六營業至22:00)

附近捷運站: 市政府站、象山站、台北101站

附近公車站: 市政府站、興雅國中站、台北101站、信義行政中心(松仁)、松廉路

附近景點: 台彎設計館、松菸文創園區

一茗糖 Sugar M

▲一茗糖系列飲品(左)及店家外觀(右) | The collage shows Sugar M’s bubble milk tea (left) and Sugar M storefront. (Courtesy of Daolong Yang and Sugar M / Facebook)
▲一茗糖系列飲品(左)及店家外觀(右) | The collage shows Sugar M’s bubble milk tea (left) and Sugar M storefront. (Courtesy of Daolong Yang and Sugar M / Facebook)

One thing these last couple of stores have in common is their twist of the bubble tea.


Several different tapioca flavors, or perhaps Thai inspired drinks, what this store does is completely unexpected.


While they make their famous brown sugar milk tea, in the end, instead of simply capping the top, they will instead torch the top of the drink, giving the brown sugar a caramelized feeling.


This not only gives it a beautiful looking picture but a delicious drink as well. Not only are they known for their Jinxuan green tea, with green matcha cream poured over.


When drinking, the matcha cream will mix with the green tea, giving it a sweet yet earthy taste. This store simply makes beautiful looking drinks, a must-try for the true milk tea enthusiasts.


地址: 台北市松山區南京東路四段133巷8弄2號

營業時間: 11:00-20:00

附近捷運站: 小巨蛋站

附近公車站: 南京寧安街口、南京新村

附近景點: 台北田徑場、台北市立圖書館

老派金魚 GoldFish

▲老派金魚的珍珠鮮奶茶(左) 及店家外觀(右)<br />| The collage shows GoldFish’s bubble milk tea (left) and GoldFish’s storefront. (Courtesy of Daolong Yang and GoldFish / Facebook)
▲老派金魚的珍珠鮮奶茶(左) 及店家外觀(右)
| The collage shows GoldFish’s bubble milk tea (left) and GoldFish’s storefront. (Courtesy of Daolong Yang and GoldFish / Facebook)

Their store may be hidden in the corners of the streets, but their signature Goldfish orientated design will be easy to recognize.


They offer a plethora of options, and a few signature drinks to those who are unsure of what to get. Their signature drinks are marked on their menu with a cute miniature cup sign, they include Taro Milk Tea, Thai Milk Tea, Mango Based Smoothie with Milk, Plums Green Tea, and more.


Not only are their drinks cheap as well, but their customer service is also in need of applause as well. This store is truly a place to visit.


地址: 台北市萬華區昆明街88號

營業時間: 11:00-23:00

附近捷運站: 西門站、北門站

附近公車站: 漢口中華路口、中華北路、復興站

附近景點: 台北市電影主題公園、威秀影城


▲魚池貳壹珍奶(左)及魚池貳壹外觀(右) | The collage shows TEA TWENTY ONE’s bubble milk tea (left) and TEA TWENTY ONE storefront (Courtesy of Daolong Yang and TEA TWENTY ONE / Facebook)
▲魚池貳壹珍奶(左)及魚池貳壹外觀(右) | The collage shows TEA TWENTY ONE’s bubble milk tea (left) and TEA TWENTY ONE storefront (Courtesy of Daolong Yang and TEA TWENTY ONE / Facebook)

This store is evidently a successful local store, as they have two different stores in Taipei. They are guaranteed to bring the quality and quantity to your drink.


This particular store specializes in taro balls, similar to a small number of stores, they hand-make their own in the shop. But there is one key difference, they make a total of eight different flavors of taro balls.

This allows you to have some more fun when deciding which taro ball to put with which drink has the best pairing. Though you may be tempted to just gofor the normal flavors, trying out different flavors is what makes this store unique and worth the visit.


Even if you decide not to tr/y their drink, the drinks itself are simply delicious, combined with the store letting you adjust the sweetness and ice content of the drink, their customer service is just as on point as their drinks.


地址: 台北市萬華區漢口街二段18號

營業時間: 10:00-23:30

附近捷運站: 西門站、北門站

附近公車站: 漢口中華路口、中華北路、復興站

附近景點: 台北市電影主題公園、威秀影城

原文自 《The China Post

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