
▲桂花巷藝術村(Photos courtesy of @yoyoirisyo/Instagram (left) and @sunlightbai/Instagram (right)
▲桂花巷藝術村(Photos courtesy of @yoyoirisyo/Instagram (left) and @sunlightbai/Instagram (right)



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Japanese media have reported a strange phenomenon called “Taiwan nostalgia” to describe those who are eager to travel to Taiwan but can’t.

Most people have canceled their travel plans this year as a result of the pandemic so the Taiwan Tourism Bureau reportedly organized a “make-belief overseas trip to Taiwan” for Japanese people longing for our natural landscapes and mouthwatering cuisines.

But, what should you do if you are in Taiwan and miss traveling to Japan? Here are three #Instaworthy spots in central Taiwan to satisfy your “Japan nostalgia”!

▲桂花巷藝術村 | Photos courtesy of @shie0821/Instagram (left) and @clairelin615 /Instagram (right)
▲桂花巷藝術村 | Photos courtesy of @shie0821/Instagram (left) and @clairelin615 /Instagram (right)
鹿港桂花巷藝術村|Lukang Artists Village


The Lukang Artists Village in Lugang Old Street, Changhua, was formerly a Japanese dormitory during the occupation, but it has since been renovated and turned into an art exhibition area.

The colorful lanterns are a great way to take beautiful photos day and night. In addition, there are also beautiful old Japanese houses on “Lantern Street” that form an incredibly romantic backdrop for the best photo-ops.

How to get there? | 彰化縣鹿港鎮洛津里桂花巷7號 | No. 7, Guihua Ln., Lukang Township, Changhua County 505

▲成美文化園(Photos courtesy of @isping1018/Instagram)
▲成美文化園(Photos courtesy of @isping1018/Instagram)

成美文化園|Cheng Mei Cultural Park


After 23 years of renovation, this place is now the top destination for wedding photos.

In addition, the courtyard behind the building is the first choice of many social media influencers for photoshoots.

The Japanese-style garden, its cypress lane, and Jiaming Lake-like views, along with the traditional “sanheyuan” houses (a three-section compound) in the back, bring out the combined beauty of Taiwanese and Japanese cultures.

▲成美文化園(Photos courtesy of @joan81816/Instagram)
▲成美文化園(Photos courtesy of @joan81816/Instagram)
▲成美文化園(Photos courtesy of @isping1018/Instagram(left) and @alittlehappiness/Instagram (right)
▲成美文化園(Photos courtesy of @isping1018/Instagram(left) and @alittlehappiness/Instagram (right)
How to get there? | 彰化縣永靖鄉中山路2段60號/彰化縣永靖鄉中山路1段972巷25號(魏氏宗親祭祖入口) | No. 60, Sec. 2, Zhongshan Rd., Yongjing Township, Changhua County

開放時間 | Opening hours:9:00-17:00

▲台灣銘園庭園美術館(Photos courtesy of @lan_1225/Instagram (left) and @lineva0615/Instagram (right)
▲台灣銘園庭園美術館(Photos courtesy of @lan_1225/Instagram (left) and @lineva0615/Instagram (right)
台灣銘園庭園美術館 | Taiwan Ming Yuan Garden Art Museum


Known as Taiwan’s “mini Kenroku-en” — one of the most beautiful gardens in Japan, Changhua County’s Ming Yuan Garden Art Museum, has created a quiet little Eden based on Japan’s Zen culture.

▲台灣銘園庭園美術館(Photo courtesy of @yuki_m1031/Instagram)
▲台灣銘園庭園美術館(Photo courtesy of @yuki_m1031/Instagram)
The garden is filled with various flowers throughout the year. In this welcoming atmosphere that mixes all colors, the garden not only helps you relax but also soothe your desire to travel abroad.

Under the exposure to the tall pines, cypresses, and other natural landscapes, you can re-imagine yourself to be in Japan’s most beautiful garden.

▲台灣銘園庭園美術館(Photo courtesy of @yuki_m1031/Instagram)
▲台灣銘園庭園美術館(Photo courtesy of @yuki_m1031/Instagram)
How to get there? 彰化縣田尾鄉三豐路102號 | No. 102, Sanfeng Rd., Tianwei Township, Changhua County 522

開放時間 | Opening hours:8:00-17:30 (12:00-13:30休息)

門票| Fees:免費 Free

原文自 《The China Post

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