
▲台北101是不少觀光客必拍台北景點之一,從不同的角度、時間取景能帶出不同的韻味。| Taipei 101 is one of the must-visit Taipei attractions for many tourists. You can take pictures of it from different angles and times, giving your photos the mood and or feeling you want them to have. (Courtesy of @ashish.c6/u/BenBrommell/Reddit)
▲台北101是不少觀光客必拍台北景點之一,從不同的角度、時間取景能帶出不同的韻味。| Taipei 101 is one of the must-visit Taipei attractions for many tourists. You can take pictures of it from different angles and times, giving your photos the mood and or feeling you want them to have. (Courtesy of @ashish.c6/u/BenBrommell/Reddit)



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Taipei 101 is one of the must-visit Taipei attractions for tourists from far and near. You can take pictures of it from different angles and times, giving your photos the mood and or feeling you want them to have.

Recently, a social media user shared a beautiful photo of an alleyway near the 101, causing an overnight sensation on Reddit.


The user shared Tuesday that the photo was inspired by a photo of 101 that was also shared on the forum last month so he decided to go to the same location to take the photo.

▲近日,一名外國網友在美國論壇Reddit上分享一張攝於101附近巷弄的絕美照片,引起網友瘋傳。| Recently, a social media user shared a beautiful photo of an alleyway near the 101, causing an overnight sensation on the U.S. forum Reddit.(Courtesy of u/BenBrommell/Reddit)
▲近日,一名外國網友在美國論壇Reddit上分享一張攝於101附近巷弄的絕美照片,引起網友瘋傳。| Recently, a social media user shared a beautiful photo of an alleyway near the 101, causing an overnight sensation on the U.S. forum Reddit.(Courtesy of u/BenBrommell/Reddit)

“I trekked to Takemura Izakaya last night to get this shot,” the user wrote, adding the link to the photo that inspired him.

▲上月一名攝影師的作品啟發他去同地點拍攝。| The photo of 101 posted to Reddit last month inspired the user. (Courtesy of @ashish.c6/Reddit)
▲上月一名攝影師的作品啟發他去同地點拍攝。| The photo of 101 posted to Reddit last month inspired the user. (Courtesy of @ashish.c6/Reddit)

Inspired by another user’s photo from a couple months ago, I trekked to Takemura Izakaya last night to get this shot from taiwan


The stunning photo has drawn much attention, with many praising the shot, its tone and repair work on the left.


In response to the positive comments, the photographer wrote that he was annoyed by the cones when he first got there but later found that the cones helped to guide the viewers’ eyes.


Another commented: “It’s getting a Shin’ya Shokudō vibe here. Thank god I didn’t see this before going to bed.”


Some users have commented that the street is usually crowded with people and it is difficult to capture an empty street. To this, the photographer suggested that the best time to shoot was around 10:45 p.m. on Sunday.

原文自《The China Post

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