評論梅根王妃婚紗 安娜溫圖依舊辛辣

Anna Wintour終於對梅根王妃在婚禮上的婚紗造型發表了評論。圖@Givenchy臉書
Anna Wintour終於對梅根王妃在婚禮上的婚紗造型發表了評論。圖@Givenchy臉書

流行中心 / 綜合報導

Meghan Markle 梅根王妃被外界評為最時尚的皇室成員之一,無論是出席場合或任何曝光,她的造型一直都是外界關注的焦點;在去年婚禮的婚紗更是引起了很大的話題。而一向犀利的美國版《Vogue》雜誌總編Anna Wintour終於對梅根王妃在婚禮上的婚紗造型發表了評論!

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梅根王妃在婚禮上的婚紗是由 Givenchy 所設計,船領搭配四分袖,貼上三層透明的硬紗裙襯做支撐,頭上的超長頭紗也相當令人驚艷,更刺上了53個英國聯邦國家的代表花卉。Givenchy 的創意總監 Clare Weight Keller 表示,她的設計目標是「現代、新鮮」的設計,希望梅根王妃穿上這件衣服時能感到不可思議。

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⚜️I want to share with you Anna’s incredible speech, which she gave at the Oxford Union in 2015. . .▫️Last part-“ what can I tell you about my time in America,-Americans drink coffee instead of tea, they exercise at every possible opportunity and their government has gotten far better, than British tabloids intercepting cell phone. But on a more serious note, I will say that, America does open one’s eyes, the enormous influence, that one have to do good things in the world. I find in life, that the more you do, the more you can do. I,myself have been particularly involved in the global fight against HIV, helping to bring the fashion industry together for many fundraising and awareness initiatives or highlighting players like the normal heart in Vogue. I always try to support the causes, that are part of the world and I am lucky enough to work in, because that’s what makes the most sense to me. I ,also, put a lot of effort to raise money on behalf of the Metropolitan Museum Costume Institute and our 12 year old initiative, that supports and mentors young designers in New York. I urge everyone here to remember how important it is,whatever stage are you in your life, to get outside of yourself and your own ambitions and think about how to help those,who are less fortunate. It feeds back into what you do and come out in your work, but I think you’ll also find deeply fulfilling in it’s own right. My nephew Luke knows this well, he plays tennis at a near professional level, he is a brilliant student and he runs some kind of weird T-shirt business on eBay out of garage with his friends. At the same time, he earns pocket money selling fruit at the market, he works at the soup kitchen and he will soon be off to work in digital marketing in New York and then to help those in need in South America. So,on the one hand I look at Luke, who is so bright and so young and I think, well I don’t know how he finds the time, but then I do, when you live with intention, you create the space to achieve true excellence,in every sense. I am certain, many of you already know this intuitively, that’s why you are all here,at Oxford. Thank you, for having me.” . #annawintour

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但時尚界公認的權威人士Anna Wintour 的意見才是大家在意的。而一向犀利的 Anna Wintour 答案也讓大家鬆了一口氣,她表示:「我覺得她很棒。全世界都在關注的皇室婚禮,我認為她選的很出色。它很繁複,很時髦,很成熟。這是英國設計師的作品,雖然設計師為法國品牌工作,但某程度上是向世界傳遞了『是的,我來自其他地方,但我屬於這裡。』的訊息。」


梅根王妃的好品味是大家有目共睹的,就連Anna Wintour也給予了這麼高的評價,相信日後她的造型將會受到更大的關注!

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