三寶駕駛「原地自轉1小時」 警湊近一看傻眼:狗在開車

▲美國一名飼主急忙通報警方,愛犬被反鎖車內且正在開車!(示意圖,非當事犬/取自 photoAC )
▲美國一名飼主急忙通報警方,愛犬被反鎖車內且正在開車!(示意圖,非當事犬/取自 photoAC )

編輯中心 / 綜合報導

下車時千萬別忘了孩子與毛小孩!美國日前發生一起「狗狗開車」的奇妙事件,就連飼主都束手無策,求助警方後,一行人等了 1 小時,才終於結束這場讓人捏把冷汗的鬧劇。

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美國佛羅里達州的聖露西亞郡警察局,日前在粉絲專頁上分享本月 21 日處理的精彩案件。當日早晨,一名轎車駕駛急忙通報警方,他下車後被車輛上鎖,且狗狗正在裡面開車。警方聽聞雖不可置信仍怕發生意外,到場處理時,果然看見一輛銀色轎車反向緩慢轉圈。

▲警方試圖靠近原地旋轉倒車的轎車。(合成圖/翻攝自 Port St. Lucie Police Department 臉書影片截圖)

車主表示,他們所有人下車後就關上門,不小心把愛犬麥斯( Max )反鎖在車內。正當他們想起時回頭一看,麥斯不小心撞到換檔桿,車子開始倒退旋轉,期間車子曾不慎撞擊信箱。警方拿車主的備用鑰匙準備開門,無奈車鎖已經沒電,眾人等了約 1 小時直到車輛停止,最後員警透過駕駛座車門旁的鍵盤輸入密碼,才如願解救狗狗。

最後麥斯順利脫困,而車輛也只有些微受損,人或犬都沒有受傷,讓警方鬆了一口氣。這起離奇經歷也激起網友們大耍幽默,「那隻狗還滿會開車的,很有天分」「麥斯的開車技術勝過 40% 的人」「好想看員警目睹時是什麼表情」「麥斯第一次練開車只撞到信箱,已經很不錯了」。(編輯:林奐妤)

Car circles the cul-de-sac with ‘MAX’ locked insideOn November 21, 2019 at around 8:07 am, officers went to the 2600 block of SW Edith Court, Port St. Lucie, FL for reports of a dog locked inside of a car (2003 Silver Mercury Sable) circling the cul-da-sac while in the reverse gear.While on scene, police learned the owner of the car made a wrong turn onto SE Edith Court, therefore he (owner) stopped his car, stepped out and while doing so, he shut the door leaving the dog inside. The dog named MAX accidently hit the shifter into reverse causing the car to circle the cul-de-sac, leaving the owner locked out of the car. As the car circled the cul-de-sac, it struck and damaged a mailbox. The owner provided police with an extra car fob, however it was inoperable due to a dead battery, so police gained access by approaching the car and entering the code on the key pad located on the driver side door. No injuries were reported, and the car sustained minor damage. MAX was fine, healthy and happy!

Port St. Lucie Police Department 發佈於 2019年11月22日 星期五
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