
▲神木園 | The Divine Trees Garden (Courtesy of Yilan’s Makauy Ecological Park)
▲神木園 | The Divine Trees Garden (Courtesy of Yilan’s Makauy Ecological Park)


Taipei Walker報導,宜蘭力麗馬告生態園區內的「神木園」是亞洲地區面積最大的神木聚落,有近百棵樹齡超過千年的紅檜與扁柏,為台灣最珍貴的林木資產。

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The Divine Trees Garden, located in Yilan’s Makauy Ecological Park, is the largest sacred tree garden in Asia, with nearly 100 thousand-year-old Benihi and Hinoki trees, making it the most precious forest asset in Taiwan.


Due to traffic control, you have to make a reservation for a shuttle bus before you visit the site.There are only three tours per day — half-day, one-day and two-day tours.

▲神木園 | The Divine Trees Garden (Courtesy of Yilan’s Makauy Ecological Park)
▲神木園 | The Divine Trees Garden (Courtesy of Yilan’s Makauy Ecological Park)

The area featuring dozens of oldest Hinoki boasts two circular trails, 2 kilometers and 0.9 kilometers, respectively.

You can plan your route according to your time and physical strength.


Among other highlights, 51 of the sacred trees, with each tree named as a historical figure according to its age, are currently open to the public.

You can hear the names of all the philosophers and the greatest leaders when you walk around.

▲神木園 | The Divine Trees Garden (Courtesy of Yilan’s Makauy Ecological Park)
▲神木園 | The Divine Trees Garden (Courtesy of Yilan’s Makauy Ecological Park)
例如孔子神木是一棵2千多年的紅檜,為園區內樹齡最年長;還有曹操、司馬遷、楊貴妃、成吉思汗等,相當有趣, 透過解說員生動的介紹讓人印象深刻,就像上了一堂歷史回顧課。

For example, the Confucius sacred tree, a benihi aged 2,000-year-old, is the oldest tree in the park.

You can find three trees named Cao Cao, Sima Qian, Yang Guifei, Genghis Khan, and more.

The lively tour is awe-inspiring like taking a history course.

神木園|The Divine Trees Garden,
地址:宜蘭縣大同鄉台7 線|No.6, Sec. 4, Taiya Rd., Datong Township,YilanCounty 267

原文自《The China Post

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